
Choosing Your Choices for the Electricty

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Today, electricity has become so present in our lives that we don’t care much about the way it reaches us. However, it is important to remember that in the electrical system energy must be generated at the same time as it is being consumed. A visit to www.energyoutlet happens to be essential here.

The Finer Choices for the Energy Efficiency


Thus, when we try to use more energy than is being produced, the electrical system suffers consequences. The most serious is that the entire complex of power plants and transformer substations collapse, causing the shutdown of several areas, including those that may be of utmost importance to various sectors of our economy.

  • In order to lessen its impact on the energy system and provide the example of conscious consumption, the government has invested a large amount in order to exchange old equipment from one of its secretariats. With this measure it was possible to reduce 61% of its consumption and the project went so well that the government increased the investment to other public agencies, thus increasing its energy efficiency.

On a smaller scale, if we decide to take such action in our homes, we must consider that our biggest villains for energy conscious consumption are the air conditioner and the electric shower. For example, the shower accounts for up to 35% of energy bills and changing bathing habits and schedules can lead to a 30% reduction in these. For air conditioning we could take a measure like Japan, where the government has established that between May and September, cooling should be at 28 ° C. By comparison, in Rio de Janeiro, a temperature of 25 ° C would suffice, and would be enough for a large reduction in energy consumption.

The Difficulties

The biggest difficulty consumers face in trying to cut back on spending is that we don’t have access to information in a friendly, real-time manner. A good way to raise awareness among the population about rampant consumption is by showing that for every Watt consumed it is necessary to flood one square meter of area into a dam.

  • Given this information, there is an unfeasibility of the electrical system to keep up with the growth of demand. This shows how important a balanced relationship between load consumed and generated load is important. If you like to look at the beautiful blue sky, be aware that if the use of electricity grows faster than the deployment of new sustainable plants, we will have to resort to thermal plants, which, because they are extremely polluting, will increasingly decrease the blue of the heaven.

Electricity is extremely important for the development of a nation, and for this reason, country has been investing in this sector through the diversification and improvement of renewable sources in the energy matrix.

Last Words

With a territory favorable to the production of clean energy, with vast areas of direct solar incidence, Plateau Rivers and regions of constant winds, country can be considered energy independent of other nations, since it has sufficient resources to supply much of the demand. In addition, the growing investment in solar power generation is remarkable, consolidating the country’s image as a major contributor in this area.